New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 67

NEW YORK AVENUE CORRIDOR STRATEGY URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK The Urban Design Framework identifies loca- tions in the New York Avenue Corridor that have opportunities to become gateways into the cor- ridor. Four locations were identified as having the potential to be developed as gateways into the New York Avenue Corridor including the in- tersections of E. Abram Street and New York Avenue, E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303) and New York Avenue, Browning Drive and E. Park Row Drive and Hillcrest Drive and E. Park Row Drive (see Figure 5.12). Additionally, the Urban Design Framework iden- tifies two key corridors that could be “themed” in a consistent manner to establish a unique char- acter. This “theming” would be accomplished within the public realm through the use of archi- tectural elements, special landscape and hard- scape treatments, specialty signage and public art. The following text explains the two themes recommended for the Study Area. 59 FINAL REPORT | SEPTEMPER 2013