New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 65
Improvements at signalized intersections, includ-
ing E. Abram Street, E. Mitchell Street, E. Park
Row Drive and E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303), are
recommended to include pavement treatments
and greater visibility of marked crosswalks. As
sidewalks are improved throughout the corridor,
curb ramps should be replaced to meet Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act design standards. The
unsignalized intersection of New York Avenue
and Kimberly Drive has been identified as a loca-
tion for pedestrian crossing improvements (see
Figure 5.5 New York Avenue Existing Condition
Figure 5.11). As redevelopment of the commer-
cial properties occurs, increased pedestrian ac-
tivity is expected south of the E. Park Row Drive
signal, and the number of crossings at unmarked
locations should be minimized. Measures to in-
crease driver awareness of the Kimberly Drive
intersection may include signage, marked cross-
walks, and a pavement treatment. To encourage
further use of this location, an enhanced cross-
ing can be introduced with a pedestrian-activat-
ed rectangular rapid flashing beacon.
Figure 5.6 New York Avenue with
Proposed Landscape Island
* = Where ROW is available
Figure 5.7 (bottom) New York Avenue - E. Abram Street to E. Park Row Drive