New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 59

NEW YORK AVENUE CORRIDOR STRATEGY VISION As described previously in this report, the first step in establishing a vision for the New York Av- enue Corridor was to review physical conditions in order to establish existing opportunities and constraints related to specific properties in the Study Area. This process identified the location of specific properties throughout the corridor that have the best potential to accommodate new development or reinvestment in existing struc- tures. At the same time, existing market condi- tions were reviewed in order to understand what types of development had the best potential to be supported within the Study Area. Finally, the community was engaged to identify overall aspi- rations for the future corridor, as well as specif- ic details related to the types of businesses and overall character the community would like to see achieved in the area. The Framework Plan aligns the opportunities identified for specific locations within the corri- dor with the types of development supported by the real estate market and with community desires. Without a site that can physically ac- commodate development, market support for that development and community support, it is very unlikely that new investment will take place within the corridor. The Framework Plan also strives to balance short-term opportunities that can be achieved with minimal investment with longer-term vision elements that may require public or private sector initiatives. The overall Framework Plan is made up of Land Use, Trans- portation and Urban Design components. 51 FINAL REPORT | SEPTEMPER 2013 LAND USE FRAMEWORK The Land Use Framework identifies the multi- ple land uses that will support the overall vision established for the New York Avenue Corridor, as well as the types and character of the build- ings that will constitute the majority of the future built environment. Within the corridor, three key Opportunity Sites were identified based upon a detailed analysis of existing physical conditions within the Study Area (see Figure 5.1). Oppor- tunity Site A is located at the Southeast intersec- tion of New York Avenue and E. Abram Street, Opportunity Site B is located at the southwest intersection of E. Park Row Drive and New York Avenue and Opportunity Site C is located at the southwest intersection of E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303) and New York Avenue. The vision for each of these Opportunity Sites is described in more detail on pages 65-69 of this report. It is important to note that major development chang- es from what exists today are focused on com- mercial areas and vacant properties, and not on residential neighborhoods. Multiple building types were identified by the com- munity to support the future vision established for the Study Area. The building types includ- ed neighborhood supporting buildings (including single family residential, churches and schools), townhomes, multi-family, live-work, mixed-use, retail, and office. The community’s preferences related to each building type were documented and preferred buildings in each category were identified. Figures 5.2 and 5.3 identify the pre- ferred buildings identified for each category. It is important to note that the precedent images