New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 46

MARKET CONDITIONS • Retail Product Opportunities • Ethnic Retailing • Central Cities • Lifestyle Centers would translate into demand for 7,900 new rental units and 12,200 new ownership units. • Employment and Education Product Opportunities • Traditional Office Space – in smaller increments • Convertible Spaces • Education Facilities • Third Places Of the 11,900 total units of for-sale housing de- mand by households earning over $15,000, approximately 35% or 4,200 units could be at- tached (condo, townhome, rowhouse, loft, etc.). Assuming a reasonable 8% capture rate (market share) of attached units, the Study Area could absorb approximately 334 new attached units by 2022. Figure 3.16 summarizes demand for at- tached ownership units. MARKET DEMAND An analysis of the current performance of real estate products within an overall market, as well as competitive projects within a trade area, pro- vides an indication of whether a property or area may be ready for new redevelopment. It also helps to identify potential gaps in the market -- niches that new redevelopment could fill. In ad- dition, in order to identify potential future market opportunities given the Study Area’s competi- tive position and prevailing market conditions, market demand estimates were prepared for residential, retail, and office land uses over the next 10 years. The following information which follows presents a summary of current demand conditions for competitive land uses within the New York Avenue Trade Area. Attached Ownership Rental The New York Avenue Trade Area is expected to support 5,900 total units of rental housing de- mand by households earning over $15,000. At an 8% capture rate, the Study Area could absorb approximately 478 new rental units by 2022. Figure 3.17 summarizes demand for rental units. Retail/Restaurant/Service Demand Future demand for retail/restaurant/service space is determined by the potential level of re- tail expenditures in a given trade area from two sources: those dollars spent by trade area res- idents outside the trade area, or “leakage”; and those generated by new household growth. Fig- Residential Demand ure 3.18 summarize the calculations of both of these sources of retail demand. For each major Demand for Trade Area residential units is a retail category, current household retail expen- function of newly formed households, whether ditures (demand) are compared to current retail they arise through natural increase or net in-mi- sales (supply) in the Trade Area to determine if gration. As shown in Figure 3.15, the New York there is a retail “surplus” (supply exceeds de- Avenue Trade Area is expected to experience mand) or “leakage” (demand exceeds supply). demand for approximately 20,124 new hous- Figure 3.18 shows that “leakage” exists in four ing units by 2022. Assuming the ratio of rent- retail categories: electronics and appliances; al to owner-occupied units remains at 40%, this food and beverage (grocery) stores; miscel- ARLINGTON, TEXAS 38