New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 31

NEW YORK AVENUE CORRIDOR STRATEGY ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS Economic and demographic characteristics in a market are indicators of overall trends and eco- nomic health which may affect private and pub- lic sector investment. The following maps and tables highlight select trends expected to affect development and redevelopment demand within the New York Avenue Study Area, Project Area and Trade Area over the next several years. The following summarizes demographic charac- teristics for the Project Area as compared to the City of Arlington and the North Texas (see Figure 3.2). • The Project Area and City are projected to grow at slower rates than the North Texas overall. • The Project Area has a higher share of renter-occupied households and still shows a higher average household size than either the City or the North Texas. • The Project Area skews younger than ei- ther the City or the North Texas, with a greater share of school-aged children. • Education levels and household and per capita incomes in the Project Area are considerably lower than in the City and North Texas overall. The Project Area also contains a higher concentration of lower-income (<$25,000) households. • The Project Area has a higher concen- tration of Hispanic residents than either the City or North Texas, and a similar concentration of African-American and Asian-American residents. 23 FINAL REPORT | SEPTEMBER 2013 Figures 3.3 through 3.13 illustrate geographic distributions of some of the demographic indica- tors described above. These exhibits are useful in determining where concentrations of potential buyers/renters might exist for various housing products or potential customers for retail and service establishments.