New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 24

PHYSICAL CONDITIONS on E. Mitchell Street, Lovers Lane and Craig Hanking Drive. In addition, a bike route on Sher- ry Street will provide a designated north-south route alternative. years (see Figure 2.8). Several of the parcels, many of which are churches and schools, had no reported sale date recorded in the Tarrant Ap- praisal District’s records. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP GEOGRAPHY PROPERTY UTILIZATION In any redevelopment area, a strong presence of local property ownership is desirable. This usu- ally indicates a higher degree of attention paid to the investment as compared to a parcel that is part of a larger portfolio. As shown, Arlington property owners control 83% of Project Area (the larger area of influence that affects the Study Area) parcels, representing over 61% of the total acreage (see Figure 2.7). Three percent of the properties are owned by out-of-state interests, and those properties represent 17% of the total Project Area. The majority of these properties are located along E. Pioneer Parkway (SH 303) and E. Arkansas Lane, and contain Multi-Family uses. A total of 88% of properties representing 70% of the total Project Area are owned by local interests (Arlington, Grand Prairie, Dallas and Fort Worth). Overall, this is a good indicator for redevelopment efforts, as local ownership tends to be more “vested” in community-wide revital- ization. Perhaps the most effective measure of an area’s ripeness for redevelopment is the economic uti- lization of existing property. This measure cal- culates the ratio of improvement value to total value, showing where land values may have a disproportionate impact on total value. As such, these properties often become targets for rede- velopment or assembly for new development. As shown, the Project Area includes a number of properties, most located along primary and secondary arterials, which are considered to be underutilized (see Figure 2.9). Again, this un- derscores the preponderance of lower-value parcels and improvements throughout the cor- ridor, typical of an area ripe for redevelopment and revitalization. PROPERTY TENURE Tenure of property ownership could be an indi- cator of an owner’s “basis” in his property. Gen- erally, the longer a property is owned, the lower the basis or initial investment in the property, as outstanding loans are more likely to be paid in full. This can be a measure of an owner’s will- ingness to reinvest, or even sell, their property. As shown, approximately 25% of the parcels in the Project Area were acquired within the last 10 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 16