New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 13
In early January of 2013, interviews were con-
ducted with major property owners, area devel-
opers, local lending institutions and leaders from
the East Arlington Renewal community group to
understand their thoughts related to opportuni-
ties and constraints along the corridor. Addition-
ally, a survey was conducted online and at the
first open house so that any interested individ-
uals could participate in the visioning process.
Forty-six people provided feedback through the
survey. Survey results are included in Appendix i.
At the open houses, the surveys that were pre-
pared to solicit stakeholder input were available
in English, Vietnamese and Spanish, and inter-
preters were present at each event to provide
Spanish, Vietnamese and Sign Language inter-
pretations during presentations and breakout
discussions. Additionally, all open houses were
held on Saturday mornings in order to provide
the greatest opportunity for the majority of resi-
dents, property owners, and business owners to
attend. The result of these efforts was a high
level of input from interested stakeholders with
An open house was held on January 12, 2013 over 60 participants at the first open house, over
to educate participants on the findings from the 80 at the second, and over 70 at the final event.
existing conditions and market analyses, and
to receive input related to the desired vision for The Arlington City Council Community and
the corridor. A second open house was held on Neighborhood Development Committee was
March 23, 2013 to gather input on a preliminary also briefed on three occasions to update them
vision framework for the corridor, and to confirm on project progress and to gather their feed-
that the preliminary vision accurately represent- back. Finally, the Arlington Planning and Zon-
ed the community’s vision. The final framework ing Commission and the Arlington City Council
plan and implementation strategies for the corri- each received a final briefing in early June 2013
dor were then presented to the community in a to update them on project findings and to answer
final open house on June 1, 2013.
specific questions. A more detailed reporting of
the feedback received from the community in the
A great deal of effort was expended to encour- survey and the open house can be found in ap-
age a high level of public input at each of the pendix i and iii, of this report.
open houses. Over 2,100 post cards were sent
to individual property owners within the Study
Area to announce each open house, and addi-
tional flyers announcing the open houses were
posted at the Senior Recreation Center, the East
Arlington Library, and at individual businesses
along the corridor. The City also located elec-
tronic message centers along the corridor pri-
or to each open house to provide an addition-
al mechanism for encouraging attendance. All
post cards and flyers advertising the open hous-
es were prepared in English, Vietnamese, and
Spanish to reflect the differing language needs
of the stakeholders in this multi-cultural corridor.