New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report New York Avenue Corridor Strategy Adopted Report | Page 11


Timberview Lane on the south and S . Collins Street on the west ( see Figure 1.2 ). This area consists of approximately 8150 parcels covering approximately 3000 acres . The Trade Area is that area from which land uses and products will capture and compete for a share of market demand . The Trade Area is described in more detail on page 21 of this report .
The New York Avenue Corridor Strategy is intended to identify key goals and generate ideas from a variety of stakeholders within the corridor in order to form a comprehensive vision and implementation strategies to maximize the corridor ’ s potential for reinvestment and redevelopment .
Key objectives of the strategy include :
• Supporting the formulation of strong neighborhoods by building community pride and encouraging reinvestment in existing residential and institutional properties
• Creating a functional corridor for all users ( residents , business owners , consumers , commuters ) that adds value and improved quality of life to the adjacent neighborhoods and the City as a whole
• Providing the necessary guidance to direct public and private investments in the corridor in a manner that leverages additional resources .
These objectives formed the foundation for all discussion with the community related to the desired vision for the New York Avenue Corridor .
The process of establishing , documenting and confirming the community ’ s vision for the New York Avenue Corridor began in October 2012 . At that time , the consultant team began the process of reviewing existing physical and market conditions within the Study , Project and Trade Areas . This analysis provided an understanding of locations within the Study Area that had the best potential for infill and redevelopment activities , as well as the types of development that could potentially occur in the corridor based upon supportable market .
Following that analysis , the study team embarked on a multi-part journey with corridor stakeholders ( property owners , area business owners , residents , organizations , elected and appointed officials , and key individuals in the private development community ) to identify aspirations and desires for the future of the corridor . The direction received by the consultant team through extensive conversations with these individuals and groups became the basis for the overall vision for the corridor .
Input to facilitate the creation of a vision was achieved through a variety of means . A New York Avenue Corridor advisory committee was created to provide direction and feedback to the consultant team throughout the vision process . The committee consisted of 17 individuals representing several institutions in the region and the corridor . The kickoff meeting with this group included a driving tour to facilitate open dialogue related to opportunities and constraints within the corridor . In total , this group met on four occasions to debate key issues and to guide the corridor vision .