New Year, Not New You January 2017 | Page 7

Here are a few questions to prompt your thought process on getting to know this YOU, that you may not be totally familiar yet:

What do I consider myself to be very good at? If people don’t tell you anything then, I can’t help you. I’m totally kidding. This is where you can ask your friends, family, or your dog/cat, “Hey if you had to choose a few things I was really good at, what would you say?” It could be anything. From listening, playing the guitar, knowing sports, or consoling people. I ask you to ask an outside perspective because sometimes we can’t see the gifts we have because they’re so natural to us.

For me this was puzzles. I would do them for hours on end. I would choose the 1000 piece puzzles when I was in the 200 piece age range and I had fun while doing it. It was funny because I am NOT the most patient person but somehow working diligently and gently towards the end result of a clear picture really enticed me. Who would ever think that puzzles would help guide me into what I wanted to do professionally. Not me.