Now, with all of these questions answered, you should have a better understanding of the YOU that’s been hiding behind your current lifestyle. Don’t they sound awesome?! They probably sound like someone you’d want to hang out with and someone that will no longer settle for just an okay lifestyle. Someone who wouldn’t accept being overweight anymore. Someone who will no longer put off their major goal to write a book telling their story to the world. Someone who will step out in faith to bring their business idea to life. Someone that doesn’t accept temporary failure as a permanent outcome.
This brings me to my last point: You need to GO to GROW. That’s right challengers! I’ll tell you this, I am not accepting your excuses anymore. I am not accepting a victim mindset or a mindset that screams limited. I am not going to look at you and tell you that it is okay that you missed all your workouts this week. I am not going to enable you any longer and I most certainly am not going to feel bad for you.