New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2023 | Page 10

10 About the report and sustainability work

About the report

This is New Wave Group ' s sustainability report summarizing the sustainability work for the fiscal year 2023 .
The Sustainability Report is a part of the Board of Directors ' Report in the Annual Report for New Wave Group for the period 2023-01-01 to 2023-12-31 . The content of the report reflects the aspects that have been ranked high from an impact perspective and considers issues that are highly prioritized by our stakeholders , in combination with our employees ' knowledge and overall business strategy for New Wave Group . The report has been developed by New Wave Group ' s Sustainability Department . The Board of Directors and the Group Management have been involved in the process . Data collection and compilation has been made on Group level while the CEO of each subsidiary has been responsible for reporting . Reported data and key figures are based on 2023 activities unless otherwise stated . As in previous years , we have used the GRI Standards , the latest guidelines from the Global Reporting Initiative , for support . However , these will be replaced by ESRS ( European Sustainability Reporting Standards ), the upcoming EU standard for sustainability reporting , for the reporting in the coming years .
MATERIALITY ANALYSIS New Wave Group initiated a double materiality analysis in 2023 ,
focusing on both impact and financial materiality . The analysis is based on the topics included in ESRS . The topics have been evaluated from severity and probability perspectives , based on contributions from stakeholders and other external sources . The stakeholders identified includes ESG experts within our organization , suppliers , shareholders / investors , customers , and nongovernmental organizations . The assessment has also relied on external reports , legislation , and frameworks .
A topic is deemed material if the company has actual or potential impact on people or the environment related to that category . A topic is also considered material if it triggers financial effects on the company that are likely to affect its future turnover . The reporting of material topics will onwards be improved in accordance with ESRS .
Topics that are considered material : – Climate Change
– Pollution – Water and marine resources – Biodiversity and ecosystems – Resource use and circular economy – Own workforce – Workers in the value chain – Consumers and end-users – Business conduct