New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2022 NWG__Sustainability_2022_EN_HQ | Page 31

31 Initiatives and engagement
DESTINATION KOSTA AND KOSTA BODA ART HOTEL The operations within New Wave Group are not just about production and sales of consumer goods – in Kosta we also run hotel operations and various events that revolve around the destination and our own safari park . Kosta Boda Art Hotel is a business with many smart sustainability solutions . To name a few , the hotel has water reduction in the taps , reuse 80 % of the pool water ( the 20 % they have to refill is heated with the heat from what is drained ), and empty the garbage without replacing the plastic bags .
The restaurants put great emphasis on good food and locally produced ingredients . It is a given to use Swedish vegetables , buy bread from the bakery on the other side of the street and take care of food waste that can be given as food to the animals in the Kosta Safari Park .
Read more at destinationkosta . se och kostabodaarthotel . se