26 Initiatives and engagement
The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
No child labor
Decent working hours |
No discrimination |
Occupational health and safety |
Fair renumeration |
Protection of the environment |
No bonded labour |
amfori BSCI is a global initiative for companies all over the world comitted to improve working conditions in the supply chain . |
No precarious employment |
Ethical business behaviour
Special protection for young workers
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CODE OF CONDUCT New Wave Group ’ s Code of Conduct is a policy which contains requirements such as minimum wage , working hours , prohibition of child labor and several other requirements from the ILO Conventions and the UN Declaration of Human Rights .
The Code of Conduct summarizes what we expect from our suppliers when it comes to social and environmental responsibility . We have adopted the Code of Conduct of amfori BSCI ( Business Social Compliance Initiative ). Companies all over the world are working together , using the same Code of Conduct , meaning that more than 2 000 companies have adopted the code . Together we reach out to approximately 30 000 unique suppliers worldwide . As a member of amfori BSCI , New Wave Group is obliged to implement and follow up the Code of Conduct through third-party audits of our suppliers .
THIRD-PARTY AUDITS In addition to internal audits , the monitoring of the Code of Conduct is made through third party audits . An amfori BSCI audit is performed by professional auditors , accredited by SAAS ( Social Accountability Accreditation Services ). Our goal is to include all our suppliers located in risk countries in amfori BSCI or an equal monitoring
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1 . 67 % ( 78 %) Improvements needed ( BSCI C )
2 . 13 % ( 10 %) Outstanding and good result ( BSCI A + B , SA8000 )
3 . 10 % ( 6 %) SMETA
4 . 10 % ( 6 %) Other ( WRAP , ESEP , WCA )