New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2022 NWG__Sustainability_2022_EN_HQ | Page 16

16 About the report and sustainability work

Sustainability goals

In order to realize our sustainability strategy and vision to maximize our contribution to globally agreed goals for sustainable development , we have defined strategies , policies and goals . Here are our most important sustainability goals .
CLIMATE IMPACT AND EMISSIONS The largest share of our emissions comes from scope 3 , i . e . all indirect emissions from , for example , purchased materials , production , transportation and other activities that we do not control . When it comes to textile production , research from Mistra Future Fashion shows that 80 % of the climate impact from Swedish clothing consumption comes from the production phase . By doubling the active lifespan of a garment , the climate impact can be almost halved . Producing garments with solar energy results in a total reduction in climate impact of 67 %. Adding a consumer who bikes or walks to the store instead of driving reduces the total impact by 78 %. Thus , it is clear what we must prioritize to reduce our total climate impact : Creating high-quality products that enable long lifespan , working with our partners on energy efficiency and transition to renewable energy , and spreading knowledge and facilitating sustainable consumption
We have partially mapped our emissions according to the GHG Protocol for scopes 1 and 2 , i . e . direct and indirect emissions from purchased electricity , steam , heat , and cooling ( see page 35 ) as well as for long-distance transportation in scope 3 ( see below ). We currently work with mapping all scopes , but due to challenges with access to quality data in a global value chain , uncertainty around calculation methods , and aggregation of data at the group level , the mapping is not yet complete . The goal is to be able to present a mapping of total emissions and concrete emission goals in connection with next year ' s reporting .
EMISSIONS FROM LONG-DISTANCE TRANSPORTATION Transportation and logistics are key activities for New Wave Group and a prioritized area ( read more on page 28 ). As air freight generates the most emissions , we have a zero vision for this freight option . For transport between Asia and North America , only weight data is reported as the companies use different carriers , which means that detailed methods and calculations differ between companies ' reporting , making it not comparable .
1 2
1 . 80 % production 2 . 3 % distribution and retail
3 . 11 % user transport 4 . 3 % user laundry 5 . 3 % end-of-life
Source : Mistra Future Fashion 2019
4 5
2019 2020 * 2021 2022 Goal Comments
CO2e ( t ) Asia - Europe
Freight ( t ) Asia - Europe
Freight ( t ) Asia - North America
1 154
2 672
1 385
2 776
4 648
10 357
5 468
12 504
16 883
4 574
2 932
3 114
5 726
Zero vision for air freight . Cleaner fuel and vessels .
High filling rate .
Emission and weight data for long distance transportations between Asia and
Europe .
Weight data for long distance transportations between Asia and North
America .
* Significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic . ** Aggregated data is missing due to a change of supplier . The trend is a continued reduction in volume and the number of shipments .