10 About the report and sustainability work
This is New Wave Group ' s sustainability report summarizing the sustainability work for the fiscal year 2022 .
About the report
The Sustainability Report is a part of the Board of Directors ' Report in the Annual Report for New Wave Group for the period 2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 . The content of the report reflects the aspects that have been ranked high from an impact perspective and considers issues that are highly prioritized by our stakeholders , in combination with our employees ' knowledge and overall business strategy for New Wave Group . The report has been developed by New Wave Group ' s Sustainability Department . The Board of Directors and the Group Management have been involved in the process . Data collection and compilation has been made on Group level while the CEO of each subsidiary has been responsible for reporting . Reported data and key figures are based on 2022 activities unless otherwise stated . As in previous years , we have used the GRI Standards , the latest guidelines from the Global Reporting Initiative , for support .
STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE AND MATERIALITY ANALYSIS New Wave Group ' s most important stakeholders are the groups most affected by and / or affected by our operations . Continuous stakeholder dialogue is central to identifying important issues and material aspects affecting the environment and people . Also , to strengthen our relationships and understand stakeholders ' expectations . Through a materiality analysis , material aspects have been ranked from an impact perspective . In assessing material aspects , we take help from employees ' knowledge and external expertise , such as New Wave Group ' s sustainability council .
The foundation for the materiality analysis was laid in 2017 through surveys and in-depth interviews with three of our most important stakeholder groups : shareholders , customers , and employees . Since then , updates have been made from an impact perspective . Annually we summarize the issues that have arisen in ongoing dialogues with our stakeholders .
Material aspects that , from a Group perspective , are highly valued by our stakeholders and assessed to have the greatest impact on people and the environment are :
– Climate impact and emissions – Materials – Assessment of social aspects of suppliers – Anti-corruption and business ethics – Customer health and safety