New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 4

4 Introduction
“ The past year was , like 2020 , obviously characterized by the pandemic . It is clearer than ever that constant and rapid change is required to adapt our operations to a changing world . Not least when it comes to sutainabilityrelated issues . ”
Focus on sustainability questions and demand for products with sustainability attributes has continued to grow and our companies are showing that they are good at meeting their customers ’ expectations ! As in 2020 , we witness a significant increase in the number of products with sustainability attributes . At the same time , we have gotten used to new ways of working where many physical meetings have been replaced by digital solutions , business trips have been reduced and the printed sales material has been minimized . It has been normalized to interact with customers , suppliers and colleagues in a virtual way . As I have stressed earlier , it ’ s not the only way forward – I still see the relationship-building physical meetings as very important – but a larger proportion of virtual meetings are definitely here to stay as the pandemic has shown that it works .

CEO statement

Furthermore , it is fun and inspiring to see how several of the New Wave Group companies have taken big steps forward in their own work with sustainability .
To name a few examples , we will see an acceleration of Craft ’ s sustainability work under the concept “ Craft Circle ”. And Texet Workwear has made thorough emission calculations for all products in their new Printer Prime collection .
Our challenges are complex , but the high ambitions and solid work described in this report keep me inspired and positive for the future . The pandemic has shown that our organization is able to tackle most scenarios in a fantastically good and flexible way and I ’ m convinced that we will learn lessons from this in the transition towards a circular economy and circular business models that we – and society – are facing .
Torsten Jansson CEO