New Wave Group Sustainability Report 2021 | Page 13

We constantly strive toward having all factories in risk countries undergo a valid third-party audit with good grades .
THIRD-PARTY AUDITED FACTORIES IN RISK COUNTRIES We are aware of the responsibility that comes with sourcing goods in countries with different legal standards and labour conditions . New Wave Group strives to continuously improve working conditions in the global supply chain ( read more on page 16 ). An important tool is third party audits to follow up the implementations of our Code of Conduct . Our goal is to include all our suppliers in amfori BSCI or an equal monitoring system and that the audit should result in a good grade .
Our goal is that all factories
located in risk countries ( according to amfori BSCI ’ s definition ) should have a valid third party audit with good grade . For the purchasing offices , we began measuring the amount of third party audits in 2013 when New Wave Group became members of the amfori BSCI . At that time , 52 % of the purchases were made through factories that had undergone third party audits . In 2017 , we broadened the scope and included purchases both through the purchasing offices and also the subsidiaries own sourcing ( not made through the purchasing offices ).
We can conclude that we have taken great strides forward , but have not reached the goal of all our factories – irrespective of the figure is based on the number of factories or purchasing volume - should have a valid third party audit . The challenge lies primarily in the purchases made outside the purchasing offices , when the orders are often smaller and nonrecurring . With the corona pandemic there has also been some challenges with delayed and rescheduled audits .
The Global Goals
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Goal Comments
Third-party factories audited in risk countries
% of total number of factories in risk countries
% of purchasing volume from factories in risk countries
% of purchasing volume from purchasing offices
59 % 67 % 77 % 81 % 83 %
86 % 85 % 90 % 80 %* 93 %
92 % 92 % 96 % 85 %* 98 %
100 % year 2025
Risk countries according to amfori BSCI ’ s definition
* The decrease is mainly due to one factory with high purchasing volume whose audit was delayed and rescheduled to 2021 due to the corona pandemic .