New Wave Group Sustainability 2020 English | Page 40


General Disclosure
40 GRI index
GRI index
GRI Standard 2016 Sustainability Report ( SR )
Annual Report ( AR )
Disclosure / title
Organization profile
GRI 102 : Standard
Disclosures 2016
102-1 Name of the organization New Wave Group AB .
Activities , brands , products , and services
SR p . 5 , 32-33 , AR p . 10-37
102-3 Location of headquarters Gothenburg . 102-4 Location of operations AR p . 14-15
102-5 Ownership and legal form AR p . 38
102-6 Markets served
SR p . 32-33 , AR p . 14-15
102-7 Scale of the organization SR p . 32-33
Information on employees and other workers
SR p . 32 , AR p . 76
102-9 Supply chain SR p . 36
Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain
Board of Directors ' Report . AR p . 57-64
102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach
We apply the precautionary principle in our environmental work and have adopted a preventative approach with the substitution of hazardous chemicals .
102-12 External initiatives Amfori BSCI , Fair Labour Association , C-TPAT .
102-13 Membership of associations
Amfori BSCI , Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety , RISE , The Swedish Chemicals Group by RISE
IVF , Clean Shipping Index , Textile Exchange , CCR CSR , The Board for sustainable Product Media .
SR p . 21
Strategy 102-14 Statement from senior CEO SR p . 4
102-15 Key impacts , risks , and opportunities
SR p . 6-9 AR p . 92-100
Ethics and integrity
Values , principles , standards , and norms of behavior
Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct , Handbook for employees .
SR p . 15 , 33
Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics
Sustainability Board . SR p . 34
Governance 102-18 Governance structure
SR p . 34 , AR p . 39-47
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees
Chairman of the highest governance body
Nominating and selecting the highest governance body
AR p . 52-53
AR p . 52
AR p . 40
Highest governance body ’ s role in sustainability reporting
Reviewed by all the relevant members of the executive management team and CEO .