New Wave Group AB Q1_2018_EN | Page 25

THE GROUP QUARTERLY CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS SEK million 2018 Q1 2017 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2016 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1.2 37.8 105.0 153.3 154.9 -4.2 89.4 116.2 132.0 -117.4 140.9 -18.1 5.4 -73.9 113.0 -43.3 -4.2 -63.7 -40.4 49.2 -54.9 -200.4 -113.8 150.5 -163.7 129.5 -78.5 -71.4 -20.4 -49.7 85.3 32.5 68.1 62.4 -76.9 13.7 -0.8 -109.6 -106.8 115.7 -100.7 151.2 31.9 -34.2 148.9 6.6 33.6 50.1 -10.4 134.5 63.9 88.6 15.5 280.9 Investing activities Cash flow after investing activities -39.8 -33.2 -19.9 13.7 -16.0 34.1 -36.9 -47.3 -37.7 96.8 -16.3 47.6 -21.2 67.4 -25.8 -10.3 -26.3 254.6 Loan raised Amortization of loan Dividend paid Cash flow from financial activities 5.1 0.0 0.0 5.1 0.0 -39.4 0.0 -39.4 47.1 0.0 -89.6 -42.5 30.2 0.0 0.0 30.2 0.0 -54.6 0.0 -54.6 0.0 -74.6 0.0 -74.6 16.1 0.0 -66.3 -50.2 22.9 0.0 0.0 22.9 0.0 -211.4 0.0 -211.4 Cash flow for the period Liquid assets at the beginning of the period Translation differences in liquid assets -28.1 202.4 6.2 -25.7 218.9 -1.3 -8.4 191.9 -4.6 -17.1 178.9 -6.2 42.2 155.6 4.6 -27.0 165.5 -2.2 17.2 136.3 3.6 12.6 157.1 3.2 43.2 172.9 2.8 Liquid assets at period-end 180.5 191.9 178.9 155.6 202.4 136.3 157.1 172.9 218.9 Quarter Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital Increase/decrease of stock Increase/decrease of current receivables Increase/decrease of current liabilities Changes in working capital Cash flow from operating activities 2015 Quarter 2014 2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -9.2 54.6 73.8 90.6 -7.1 38.8 93.1 129.1 -18.7 55.3 86.7 103.3 Increase/decrease of stock -200.6 Increase/decrease of current receivables 129.5 Increase/decrease of current liabilities 51.4 Changes in working capital -19.7 -88.5 -23.0 1.0 -110.5 -132.1 -117.2 14.3 -235.0 175.6 85.2 24.1 284.9 -50.6 172.3 -25.8 95.9 -86.8 -28.0 48.3 -66.5 -309.6 -124.2 50.0 -383.8 -126.1 -40.7 -16.9 -183.7 27.8 131.1 -34.1 124.8 28.2 -44.0 2.3 -13.5 -3.1 -84.8 -1.3 -89.2 145.3 -32.7 -2.8 109.8 -55.9 -161.2 375.5 88.8 -27.7 -290.7 -54.6 106.1 41.8 -2.5 213.1 Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital Cash flow from operating activities -28.9 Investing activities -26.7 -40.7 -15.0 -24.1 -11.3 -17.5 -12.4 -29.4 -8.8 -8.8 -21.2 -7.2 Cash flow after investing activities -55.6 -96.6 -176.2 351.4 77.5 -45.2 -303.1 -84.0 97.3 33.0 -23.7 205.9 0.0 -13.9 179.1 0.0 173.9 0.0 0.0 -349.1 0.0 -109.8 129.6 0.0 289.8 0.0 121.3 0.0 0.0 -157.3 0.0 24.2 0.0 -12.0 0.0 -146.7 Loan raised Amortization of loan Dividend paid 0.0 -66.3 -1.0 0.0 0.0 -66.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -66.3 0.0 0.0 Cash flow from financial activities -13.9 112.8 172.9 -349.1 -109.8 63.3 289.8 121.3 -157.3 -42.1 -12.0 -146.7 Cash flow for the period Liquid assets at the beginning of the period Translation differences in liquid assets -69.5 216.0 12.5 16.2 159.0 -5.7 -3.3 169.5 1.5 2.3 167.7 -4.5 -32.3 185.1 0.3 18.1 153.1 4.8 -13.3 176.0 6.9 37.3 169.6 9.1 -60.0 229.7 -1.7 -9.1 168.0 4.1 -35.7 163.0 -3.6 59.2 123.7 2.2 Liquid assets at period-end 159.0 169.5 167.7 165.5 153.1 176.0 169.6 216.0 168.0 163.0 123.7 185.1 25