New Wave Group AB Hållbarhetsredovisning_2017_SV_HQ[1] | Page 22

AUDITED FACTORIES IN RISK COUNTRIES 2017 Outstanding and good result (BSCI A+B, SA8000) 7 % Improvements needed (BSCI C) 72 % Insufficient (BSCI D) 9 % SMETA 5 % WRAP 3 % Other (QCA, FLA) 4 % 246 factories, of a total of 436 factories in risk countries (59 %), have been social audited by third party and have valid audits. This corresponds to approximately 86 % of the total purchasing volume in risk countries. In addition to amfori BSCI, other included monitoring systems are SA8000, SMETA, WRAP, FLA and QCA. Considering factories linked to our buying offices, 78 % have been social audited by third party and have valid audits. This corresponds to 92 % of the purchasing volume through the buying offices. Common non-compliances mainly concerns overtime work and lack of documentation. Any serious non-compliance of type zero tolerance (child labor, serious health and safety risks etc.) have not been reported during the year.