New Wave Group depends on the distribution of our products . Transportations must be both efficient and sustainable to meet our requirements .
Logistics & Transportation
Logistics & Transportation
New Wave Group depends on the distribution of our products . Transportations must be both efficient and sustainable to meet our requirements .
Most of New Wave Group transportations consist of container shipments between Asia and Europe , resulting in an average shipment of 3 150 containers per year .
The transports sector accounts for a substantial part of the global greenhouse gas emissions . Sea transports are generally the best alternative when it comes to long-distance carriages , while air transports have the highest emission of CO2 . This negative impact further increases when emissions take place on high altitude . For this reason , New Wave Group is working to reduce air transports to situations where it is absolutely necessary .
We have two main strategies to decrease our environmental impact and to cut our emission of greenhouse gases . First of all , we strive to influence the transportation providers that we are cooperating with . The biggest impact from an environmental point of view would be eco-friendly fuels and vessels with improved fuel- and energy efficiency . The shipping companies hence have great possibilities to further improve their operations . The environment and the future of global trade will depend on sea transportation to address the challenge with emerging greenhouse gas emissions .
Our membership in “ Clean Shipping Index ” aims to impact the shipping companies to use cleaner vessels by ranking the most highperforming ships . Through the Clean Shipping Platform , we have access to data on emissions of greenhouse gases – generating scores like “ Low ”, “ Medium ” and “ Good ”. New Wave Group is working with some of the largest transportation companies on the market , all of which have environmental programs in place for their operations .
Last but not least , we always strive to improve our own logistics and work methods . Within New Wave Group , we club together as much as possible of our shipments and transportations . Besides from protecting the environment , sustainable solutions could also contribute to the streamlining of our business . Hence , the environmental work is a natural part of our journey towards a more sustainable and profitable company .
“ The flow of goods within New Wave Group could contribute to lower the environmental impact . Sustainability is a natural part of our professionalism .”
Lars Leijon , Logistic Manager