New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 2 - Spring 2015 | Page 82

Water Industry (Law) Reforms of environmental water (or flows). This is aimed at complying with the AWDG, NWI and Australian water futures program, and ensuring that West Australian’s are provided with safe reliable and secure drinking water. Although the value of water is becoming more prominent in the consumers’ mind, and to the population in general, the links to the ecosystem from which it is obtained and the loss of ecoservices associated with water abstraction are yet to be fully realised within the existing legislative frameworks and business models. References AECOM, 2010. Review of Regional Water Quality and Security. Volume 2. Apendices. Oct 25, 2010. Australian Government. Sydeny NSW. COAG, 1994. Water Reform Framework Agreement—CoAG Meeting, February 1994, Communiqué, Attachment A. In: -, C. O. A. G. (ed.). Canberra ACT. COAG, 2008. Council of Australian Governments’ Meeting, November 29, 2008, Climate Change and Water, index.cfm (accessed April 20, 2015). DAFF, 1995. Decade of Landcare Plan—National Overview, In: Department of Agriculture, F. A. F. (ed.). Canberra, ACT: Australian Government. Deere, D., Walling, J., Selvarkumar, A., Whitehill, B. & R., M. 2008. Risk Management. In: Watershed Management for Drinking Water Protection. American Water Works Association and Australian Water Association. C. Davis (ed.) AWWA Cat No. 20675. Pg. 128. USA. ISBN: 9781921335037. DoW, 2012. Perth-Peel Regional Water Plan 2010–2030: Responding to our Drying Climate. Department of Water. Government of Western Australia.65 Pg. Perth WA. Fisher, D.E. 2000. Water Law. North Ryde, Sydney, N.S.W: