New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 | Page 47

New Water Policy and Practice - Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 Documenting And Communicating Methods Used In Interdisciplinary Research And In Research Implementation Gabriele BammerA In this opinion editorial, New Water Policy and Practice International Advisory Board member Prof Gabriele Bammer (National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Australia) draws inspiration from her work in developing Integration and Implementation Sciences, a new discipline providing concepts and methods for conducting research on complex, real-world problems, and discusses the importance of documenting and communicating methods used in interdisciplinary research and in research implementation. Gabriele recognises that this is a key challenge of interdisciplinary research and proposes ways that contributors to New Water Policy and Practice Journal can help set the direction for interdisciplinary research. Keywords: interdisciplinary research; Integration and Implementation Science; policy and practice; contextual factors; research implementation A challenge for our new journal is to not only describe the results of our research on water policy and practice but also to share our methods and processes. Much of our research can be loosely described as “interdisciplinary”. More specifically, it does one or more of the following: not the case for established disciplines, such as chemistry or sociology, where methods are not only agreed and understood, but can be described in useful shorthand. Interdisciplinary research tends to be more improvised, drawing on methods from a range of sources, adapting them as needed to the particular problem and creating new methods when established ones are not readily available. Describing such a process when t