New Water Policy and Practice Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 2014 | Page 18

New Water Policy and Practice expressed concerns: 2007). “…. caution is also merited, insofar as appeals to the commons run the risk of romanticizing community control. Much activism in favour of collective, community-based forms of water supply management tends to romanticize communities as coherent, relatively equitable social structures, despite the fact that inequitable power relations and resource allocation exist within communities . Although research has demonstrated how cooperative management institutions for water common pool resources can function effectively to avoid depletion other research points to the limitations of some of these collective action approaches in water.” (Bakker 2007) The U.S. West Coast can be regarded as a sentinel site for conflicts between environmental and development values. In that context, the comments by fisheries professor and EPA scientist Robert Lackey are relevant. He argues that “…. unless we are more vigilant guarding against the misuse of science in natural resource policy and management … we risk marginalizing the helpful role that science and scientists can play in resolving important, but divisive natural resource issues.” (Lackey 2009) He illustrates this by the persistent misuse of terms such as “environmental integrity” which serve to colour debates that are really about societal values and prefer From Mcdonald and Ruiters comes ences. He notes that, in discussions about bithe reflection that ological diversity, alien species are routinely excluded; the apparently preferred goals of In thinking about alternatives, it be- environmental restoration often conceal the came clear that a systematic study real choice which is between two forms of of concrete practices needed to be altered environment. As he explains: grounded in principles—objective realities of uneven development and vary“In a democracy, having widely availing political circumstances in diverse able, accurate, understandable, and unparts of the world—not just a random biased scientific information is central collection of case studies. Visions and to the successful resolution of the typiprinciples require more than a mere cally contentious, divisive and litigious summary of what activists and progresnatural resource policy issue. To allow sive policy makers have to say. They rescience to be marginalized through quire a historical and multiscalar view misuse is a major loss to society and its of links between public services and decision making institu [ۜ˸