New Teeth in One Day Clinics Why All on 4 Dental Implants is the Best Long-Last | Page 16
The two implant types differ in their invasiveness. The all-on-4 procedure, therefore, is by a
far distant less invasive than the conventional approach. Instead of taking out all your 32
individual teeth and replacing them with an equal number of implants, you’ll probably take
out and replace 8 if you consider all-on-4 dental implants. The other thing is that the
conventional implants do not guarantee a natural feel and neither do they serve you for long
like the all-on-4 implants. Their advantage, however, is that they are very affordable and do
not require any surgery.
To sum things up, you can argue that all-on-4 implants combine the benefits of conventional
implants and dentures. This means that they are the best option that guarantees longevity,
aesthetic, and natural solution. They are the epitome of dental innovation so far.