New Teeth in One Day Clinics Reasons To Get New Teeth In A Day | Page 5
Experts are of the view that you should replace your toothbrush at least once in
every three months. If you are using an electric toothbrush, be sure to change its
head in three months. However, the important thing to understand is that how
often you should change your toothbrush depends on many factors, including how
often you use it. It is natural that you should be changing your brush earlier than
three months if you are used to brushing after every meal. Therefore, it is
important to consider your brushing habits and check the appearance of your
brush. You have to understand that a brush is no longer as effective if the bristles
have started bending.
In case you brush your teeth twice a day, it is safe to change it after 3 months.
However, if you brush once in the morning, you may be able to stretch it a bit and
continue using your brush beyond that 3-month guideline. Another way to check
when it is time to change your brush is to develop a habit of checking how clean
your teeth feel after brushing. Simply run your tongue across the teeth to feel how
clean they are. Be sure to do it every time you have finished brushing. If you no
longer experience the same 'slippery' feeling after a few months, it usually means
that you need to think of changing your toothbrush.