New Teeth in One Day Clinics Is All-on-4 Dental Implants Right for You | Page 13
The Cost Involved in Administering Care after
The cost of recovery depends on how well you care for your wounds. Other than the initial
cost of surgery, you do not incur a lot of expenses after the procedure. You will need to
invest in a softer toothbrush, a non-abrasive toothpaste, and mouthwash.
If you can, wash your mouth using good old baking soda diluted in a little water. It is quite
soft on a microscopic level despite having a gritty feeling to it. Baking soda also has the
least abrasive components. Your doctor will also recommend a kit and other products plus
medication to help with recovery.
Thus, the after-care cost should not be in excess of $600. There are some cases where the
„recovery‟ expense shoots up as a result of a complication or two. It is why you cannot
overemphasize sufficient care after the All-on-4 or the All-on-6 surgical implant. However,
don‟t worry if any of the issues in the list below crop up. Your dentist will help you through
any trouble: