New Releases | Page 30


CONTACT : Michelle Berrones Communications Coordinator ( 717 ) 234-5941 , ext . 104 mmb @ padental . org
Prevent Tooth Decay with the Benefits of Fluoridation
HARRISBURG – Without limitations on who it can affect , tooth decay remains one of the most prevalent , yet preventable diseases in our nation . The Pennsylvania Dental Association ( PDA ) reminds that a safe , effective and economical way to reduce occurrences is through the public health implementation of community water fluoridation .
Nearly all naturally occurring water sources contain fluoride — a mineral that has been proven to prevent , and even reverse , tooth decay . Water fluoridation involves regulating the amount of fluoride in the water to assure that the amount is at a safe and effective level for oral health . The U . S . Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ) and the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) declare that based on numerous studies , fluoride at the recommended levels of less than or equal to one part per million is safe , with the most effective cavity fighting level being at 0.7ppm to 1.0ppm .
Documentation of the effectiveness of water fluoridation has been noted in scientific literature for more than 70 years . The American Dental Association ( ADA ) has stated that even before the first community fluoridation program began in 1945 , data from the 1930s and 1940s revealed 50 to 60 percent lower tooth decay rates in children consuming naturally occurring , optimally fluoridated water compared to children consuming fluoride-deficient water .
Extensive research continues to indicate water fluoridation is one of the most effective public health measures in history . It has maintained its effectiveness of reducing tooth decay by at least 25 percent in adults and children , even during an era of wide availability of fluoride from other sources , such as fluoride toothpaste .
The first step to ensuring all Pennsylvanians have preventive dental care is to fluoridate our public water systems . Adding fluoride to the drinking water ensures that everyone , regardless of age or income , receives valuable health benefits .
“ Fluoride protects teeth against decay in two ways ,” says Dr . Alicia Risner-Bauman , a PDA member who serves on the Board of Directors of the PA Coalition for Oral Health . “ In the tooth structure as the teeth are forming , and in the mouth of children and adults .”
“ Fluoride has been shown to be incorporated into the developing tooth structure , making the tooth stronger and less prone to decay or cavities ,” Dr . Bauman added . “ When fluoride comes in contact with the tooth enamel , the fluoride ion ( molecule ) can bind with the tooth enamel and promote remineralization , the strengthening of weakened tooth structure .”