News Releases | Page 18


CONTACT : Rob Pugliese __ Director of Communications ( 717 ) 234-5941 , ext . 114 rap @ padental . org
Dentistry is Essential Health Care
HARRISBURG – During the COVID-19 pandemic there have been questions about whether some “ routine ” health care , including dental care , should be delayed .
There is never a good time to delay oral health care , and certainly not now . The Pennsylvania Dental Association and American Dental Association ( ADA ) continue to emphasize that oral health is an integral part of your overall health , and dentistry is essential health care .
Dentistry has a unique role in your health care because your dentist has the ability to evaluate , diagnose , prevent and treat oral disease , which impacts your systemic health . Additionally , because certain diseases may appear in the mouth first , a dentist is often diagnosing more than just a cavity . Dental professionals are trained to look for many systemic diseases when conducting your regular oral exam . For example , dental X-rays show more than just cavities ; they also can point to early signs of osteoporosis .
“ When oral health is ignored or neglected , it causes any potential issue to compound and grow ,” said Dr . Tamara Brady , a general dentist in Exton . “ Decay gets bigger and can lead to root canals and extractions . Gingivitis and periodontitis continue destruction of the gums and bones , compromising the entire mouth and potentially leading to losing teeth .”
Both the ADA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) issued interim guidance related to COVID-19 for oral health professionals . The ADA ’ s guidance calls for a high level of PPE — including a combination of masks and goggles , or masks and face shields . That focus on PPE , along with strengthened infection controls and social distancing safeguards , has ensured that millions of patients have safely visited their dentists in recent months for the full range of oral health care services . Patients should expect that will continue as dentists and dental