NEW ::: POETRY Apr. 2015 | Page 33

...over the elusive object of my desire. Like the trail of your shadow through my fingers, unreal and lonesome after having caressed your hair. ART INTERPRETATION: the monster of sleep is giving a birth, out of its teeth, to the anthillcemetery for the butterfly of souls. Like dark sentinels watching the borders of Hell. Like in every nightmare, the discreet custodians of your secret: the unchanging crows. [:.:,] ...sobre el esquivo objeto de mi deseo. Como el rastro de tu sombra entre mis dedos, irreales y solitarios después de haber acariciado tu cabello. Como oscuros centinelas vigilando las fronteras del Infierno. Como en toda pesadilla, los discretos custodios de tu secreto: los invariables 7VW'f