Rob Siegel, Director of ENSA Pioneer and
Innovator in WorkatHeight Safety
Innovation requires more than a passion for
your work. Innovation requires a relentless
pursuit to exceed what is considered
acceptable. To ignore that which is common practice, within the guidelines, or
simply to be “the standard”. It is what drives Rob Siegel. Through an unstoppable
curiosity and commitment to bringing the worker home safety to his family, every
day, that is where Innovation changes everything. Rob has been asked “ I want to
do what you do, how do I do that?”. Answering that question requires
understanding that you cannot emulate an Innovator and never have a full
understanding of why a person like Rob, simply changed what was commonly
accepted to a completely new way of thinking in the industry.
Rob Siegel became an expert quickly in workingatheights in the wind sector
dating back to 2008. His credentials, education and experience led him to being in
a position at exactly the right moment. His foundation as mechanical engineer
and his desire to be a safety professional, leading to a degree in Occupational Health and Safety validated his
reputation and connections to fellow “brothers of safety”. The years as a fall protection design engineer and
consultant would ultimately prepare him for that lifechanging experience, where two workers fell to their death
from a suspended platform. Witnessing this event changed everything for him.
Ultimately Rob went on serve on the AWEA safety committee and begin collaborating on improving the US
Confined Space standard specific to the wind energy market. Not being satisfied that the industry understood
reallife and unique hazards, Rob went on to author a white paper for Confined Spaces within a turbine. Rob
changed the discussion and refocused on” if any hazards arise the answer lies within main standard” which
clearly laid out the definition of compliance. The standard allowed an alternate protocol for implementation or white
space, to invent and think differently on how to comply within the recommended guidelines. Rob filled that white
space and the industry responded.
This innovative white paper set the course for Rob Siegel’s acceleration in the industry as a pioneer in
workatheights. Early adopters trusted what they read, immediately implemented his training protocols, skill
evolutions, and learning methods. Workers now have the methods and understanding to consistently perform the
skills required when working at heights, have the capability to be more efficient, understand the concept behind
prevention and have the resources to continuously be safe, and to ultimately return home safely.
Rob Siegel, changed the way we think about workatheights safety. He is an innovator and his curiosity will
continue to want to change the discussion and in reaching new heights in safety.
Media Contact:
Rob Siegel
Kellie Hoffmeister
Director of ENSA
Director of Marketing, ENSA