New Life Magazine February 2014 | #4 | Page 18

Local theBASE (Children) Sunday Morning | 9:00 & 11:00am Services | Various Locations on campus Check-In located in the main hallway Local Ministries is actively engaged in our community to bring the love of Christ in practical, thoughtful ways. Over the last year Local has been involved with Red Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little Cross Disaster Relief, Adoption Support services, Royal children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Family Kids Camp, Homeless Mentoring, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Five Dollar Missions, Thanksgiving It is the vision of theBASE to partner with parents to raise Basket Outreach with Springs Rescue Mission, Kids up passionate, Christ-like disciples by reaching, teaching Hope USA Mentoring and much more. If you’d like more and preparing children to know Christ and make Him information about any of these or would like to get known. For these reasons we aim to create a safe and involved please contact us at: fun environment, which will attract children, lead them to [email protected] Jesus and enable their childlike faith to thrive! Dream Centers of Colorado Springs 50+ Life The 50+ L.I.F.E. Ministry is designed to help you live From Mary’s Home, to the Joel Home to the Women’s Clinic, group of young men. in full expectation of all that God has planned for you. DCCS is alive and well. Since opening, the Women’s Clinic As seasoned adults (never older and not senior) we has served well over 2,000 patients catering to women Mary’s Home groundbreaking takes place Feb 23rd at 2pm. have much to share on topics that impact today’s busy with no insurance and very limited resources. Jenny Miller When finished it will be a transitional and transformational families. We want to utilize those experiences to build a is the Director living facility for at-risk single women and their children. critical bridge to younger families as well as seek God to strengthen each of us in our daily walk for this season of Joel home has doubled its capacity to serve young men If you’d like to serve in any of these areas please email life. Join us as we seek to mentor, grow in the Word, travel who have “aged-out” of the foster care system. Gail Wahl [email protected] and share life together! Contact Pastor Yvette Maher at: [email protected] for more info. is the director and she’s passionate about serving this 18 NEW LIFE MAGAZINE: February 2014 18 19