New Jersey Stage - September 2014 | Page 90

“If you had asked me ten years ago if I thought this would last ten years, I think I would have said yes.” Miller (the first time the company has presented a work by him), “Agnes of God” by John Pielmeir, “Fortune Cookies” by Paprzycki, and “King Hedley II” by August Wilson. His faith in the ability to have theater help revive the area is rewarded every time he sees people give Camden a chance. He’s excited to see small groups from Gloucester City (a mile or two from Camden) enter Camden for the first time in years and grow in size as they return for the next show. Restaurants in Gloucester City are starting to add special menu choices designed for theater-goers to make sure they can have a nice dinner and still have time to make it to the show. The theater company even has one group that meets in a restaurant New Jersey Stage in Gloucester City for dinner and then goes to the play. Afterwards they head to the theater’s home bar where they get to meet the cast and hang out. If there is anything in the play they didn’t understand, the cast and crew will discuss it with them. “You’re watching these people that may have always thought plays were just musicals and now they’re coming in and seeing works by Sam Shepard, Eugene O’Neil, Tennessee Williams, and my work. It’s really gratifying to see a theater audience growing within a community. And it really is a community; it’s people talking to friends and neighbors and coming together. They’re turning it into a four time a year event. It’s an event for them. It’s beautiful.” September 2014 pg 90