The Guest
By Eric Hillis,
All too often we see a filmmaker
show great promise in their early
work, only to witness them continue to eke out a career that never fulfils that potential. Over the
past decade Adam Wingard has
been making enjoyable but ultimately forgettable genre movies,
leading us to believe he would
never break through the glass
ceiling and deliver something that
can’t be so easily dismissed. It’s
New Jersey Stage
with great pleasure I can report
that Wingard has well and truly
shattered that ceiling, leaving us
doubters to pick shards of glass
out of our cynical hides.
On the surface, there’s nothing
original about The Guest, another
installments in the mysterious
stranger sub-genre, but Wingard
and writer Simon Barrett draw on
all the entries that have gone before, from Hitchcock’s The Lodger
September 2014
pg 36