New Jersey Stage - September 2014 | Page 24

Watch the video for “Good and Ready” the new record. The timing happened to be pretty perfect for everybody involved and they connected with the music right away. It felt like a really great fit from day one. They’ve been incredibly supportive and provided me with an opportunity to put this record out into the world the way I saw it in my head. If I’d done another selfrelease, there are a lot of sacrifices that I would have had to make in everything from the music to New Jersey Stage the album art to the press and radio. I’ve gone down that road before and I’m really proud of what I was able to accomplish on my own, but having a label like New West in my corner frees me up to chase my vision of this album and career plans without having to water them down. You traveled to Maine to record this album. How was the experience different for you from recording in your apartment and September 2014 pg 24