New Jersey Stage October 2014 | Page 101

erful — and personal — lyrics that Lennon was known for. Musically, songs like “Move Along” and “Last Transmission” remind me of the upbeat, folky beat of songs like “Crippled Inside” in which the lyrics meander in the opposite direction of the music being played. Not shunning away from his McCartney influence, songs like “State of Emergency” remind me a bit of Paul’s work with Wings. “Love’s Got Nothing To Do With What’s About To Go Down Between You And Me” might be the funkiest song ever recorded in a car and contains a title that could make Prince proud. Strazza opens his life up to the listener in ways he’s never done before. He shows the highs and extreme lows of a breakup in action. The album begins with a look back at the moments when problems were first noticed and ends with saying goodbye. “It was very therapeutic,” said Strazza. “I needed to get it out. Writing and singing these songs out loud helped me cut through “Fire” by Hendrix performed by Tommy & The Strazzacasters Advertise here for $25 - $100 call 732-280-7625 pg 101