convention in Chicago, IL on Saturday November 22nd at 5pm;
and the Walker Stalker Con at the
Meadowlands Expo Center in Secaucus, NJ in December.
How did you get your start
in horror? What were some of
your favorite horror films?
When I was a teenager, I worked
at a video store in Sparta, NJ.
A customer by the name of Lee
Estrada would come in and rent
horror movies all the time. Needless to say, Lee and I would talk
about horror films and we became friends. At that time, I had
just started working on my first
screenplay, which was a horror
script, and I told Lee that. Lee said
that his friend, Ted Bohus, made
indie horror films and lived locally
in NJ. He gave me Ted’s information and told me to reach out to
him when I was done writing it.
As soon as I finished writing it, I
contacted Ted and sent him my
script. He read it, liked it, and suggested we work on a screenplay
together. He felt the budget for
the screenplay I wrote would be
too large to shoot as an indie. So
Ted and I co-wrote The Regenerated Man and raised the financing to shoot. Ted directed it and
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