and then it’s NYC’s Fashion Week.
Recording her voice and then
singing with her onstage is an
honor for me. Talking about that
certain something, this girl has it
in spades.
You’ve always kept yourself in
the background it seems, content to write music and play guitar. Was there ever a part of you
that wanted to be the frontman?
Never. Even when my ego goes
to my head, the voice I hear in
my songs is always a higher quality than the one that comes out
of my throat. One of the greatest
tricks I’ve learned over the years
in a great team is to exploit your
strengths and hide your weak-
nesses. I’ve learned how to be
the best support system for any
great singer. I’ll produce, write,
record, sing and perform along
with others that stand in front
and command an audience. I can
help make that singer as strong
as they’re capable of. That has always been my job. I’ve learned
from all the best. Bruce and Little
Steven, Jon and Ritchie, Southside
and Bobby, Tyler and Perry …and
those guys seemed to learn from
the very best: Mick and Keith. I
felt very lucky to share that for
many years with the lead singer
of Highway 9, Peter Scherer and
to this day we still treasure that
chemistry and relationship. I still
Artist with over 30 years in the
music business on multiple fronts
Available now for touring,
recording, and fill ins
click here for contact info
New Jersey Stage
October 2014
pg 12