New Jersey Stage November 2014 | Page 73

about a week after I started dating the girl who wound up being my wife and I began doing open mics. The rest, as they say, is history. How long were you a teacher? I taught for 7 years. I had been teaching for 2 when I started doing open mics, so there were 5 years of overlap. But my plan wasn’t to be a full-time comedian or writer, the plan was to teach high school and do stand-up on the weekends. Did you begin getting too many gigs or too tired on Monday mornings? A combination of the two. I was getting more and more gigs and I went on a college try out and wound up booking like 30 gigs from it, which paid me about as much as I would have made from a year of teaching high school. This gave me the guts to say, “If I do this and it doesn’t pan out, I can always go back and teach.” There were also more and more weekdays when I would come to school and say, “I’m not sure we’re going to do anything today, I’m really tired.” And then I got on Showtime. I did a show Watch Jay Black at Comedy Cabaret in Doylestown Advertise here for $25 - $100 call 732-280-7625 pg 73