New Jersey Stage November 2014 | Page 50

ages of reciprocity. Then Oberon rests his head in Titania’s lap as if to say he’s not so tough after all. Jacopo Jannelli is Puck, making him earthy and physical even in his twisting leaps, and the way he stares at the mixed-up lovers tells us he’s none too bright. Joshua Kurtzberg prances happily through his part as Bottom—after all, he’s the one who gets the girl. Making us feel the mortal characters’ desperation most keenly is Samantha Gullace. As poor Helena, she finds herself torn, rejected by her beloved Demetrius one minute and mistrusting her sudden popularity the next. Nanako Yamamoto’s Hermia is more selfcontained, becoming petulant lik e a spoiled child when her boyfriend Lysander abandons her for Helena. As Demetrius, Marc St.Pierre fusses and fumes, trying to escape from Helena and then trying to unload her, when she catches him---until quite unexpectedly he discovers he can’t have enough of her. And Cameron Auble-Bra- New Jersey Stage New Jersey Stage nigan seems typecast as sweetseeming Lysander who becomes pugnacious when an accidental dusting of pollen from the flower known as “love-in-idleness” makes him allergic to Hermia and randy for Helena instead. It is hard to predict how the pieces of this “Midsummer” will fit together when Martin’s ballet is complete and how things will November 2014 November 2014 pgpg 50 50