New Jersey Stage Issue 75 | Page 80

“ If We Were Vampires ” - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit . Jason has written some of the best songs of the last 20 years or so and this one might be at the top of the list . The concept is brilliant and the lyrics are a dagger to the heart and become more heartbreaking with each passing day . If you ’ re lucky enough to have a soul mate you can ’ t help being moved by this .
“ It ’ s knowing that this can ’ t go on forever Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone Maybe we ’ ll get forty years together But one day I ’ ll be gone Or one day you ’ ll be gone ” s search high and low and everywhere in between wandering through life condemned to search . We are not losers , we are the lost …

“ If We Were Vampires ” - Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit . Jason has written some of the best songs of the last 20 years or so and this one might be at the top of the list . The concept is brilliant and the lyrics are a dagger to the heart and become more heartbreaking with each passing day . If you ’ re lucky enough to have a soul mate you can ’ t help being moved by this .

“ It ’ s knowing that this can ’ t go on forever Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone Maybe we ’ ll get forty years together But one day I ’ ll be gone Or one day you ’ ll be gone ” s search high and low and everywhere in between wandering through life condemned to search . We are not losers , we are the lost …

Watch Springsteen “ If We Were Vampires perform “” 4th by Jason of July Isbell , Asbury and Park the 400 ( Sandy Unit )”