New Jersey Stage Issue 75 | Page 156

what I am looking for and if they are able to donate a song to let me know . Over the span of the next few months I will send follow up e-mails to see how people are coming along and listen to the songs as they come to make sure they will work for the compilation . Once the deadline has passed , I spend days , sometimes a week , putting the songs in different orders to determine the best track listing for the compilation . I know most people don ’ t listen to albums from beginning to end in order anymore , but I do , and I know some people do . I want those that do to have a good listening experience of being taken on a musical journey with an ebb & flow . During this time I also work to get a press release together and sent out to the media and to get some sort of cover art . Since I am not a great artist , I am very lucky that Dw Dunphy often donates his time to create the cover art for the compilations , such as this year ’ s Banding Together compilation .

what I am looking for and if they are able to donate a song to let me know . Over the span of the next few months I will send follow up e-mails to see how people are coming along and listen to the songs as they come to make sure they will work for the compilation . Once the deadline has passed , I spend days , sometimes a week , putting the songs in different orders to determine the best track listing for the compilation . I know most people don ’ t listen to albums from beginning to end in order anymore , but I do , and I know some people do . I want those that do to have a good listening experience of being taken on a musical journey with an ebb & flow . During this time I also work to get a press release together and sent out to the media and to get some sort of cover art . Since I am not a great artist , I am very lucky that Dw Dunphy often donates his time to create the cover art for the compilations , such as this year ’ s Banding Together compilation .

Christian Beach performs during a BlowUpRadio . com Guitar Pull