New Jersey Stage Issue 74 | Page 130

Are there any memorable stories while you made this film or any other info about your film you would like to relay to our readers? Well I’m proud of the fact that I completed the film. I was a one man crew and I got to meet my favorite musicians everyday for 2 months. Their reactions to me and my camera were as weird and wild as you could imagine, given that there are some strong personalities that I was meeting. I remember Steve Albini being impressed that it only took me 5 minutes to set up my filming equipment, which I found funny since I hardly had anything with me. I think it appealed to his punk sensibilities that I showed up to do this by myself. I remember Dave Wyndorf from Monster Magnet saying that I was a maniac for doing it on my own, but in a weird way I think that manic desire to make the film, no matter what, created some sort of instant trust among the artists I was filming. • The screening is available Sunday, September 13, 2020. Tickets are $12. Films will be available on VOD (Video On Demand) for 24 hours on their show date. There will also be special Filmmaker Introductions and Q+A Sessions available for many of the films. To buy tickets for this screening, click here. For more on the festival visit NJ STAGE - ISSUE 74 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 130