New Jersey Stage Issue 72 | Page 125

blonde, I’m dark, she’s American and I’m British; how could anyone think we were sisters? She was the key; she had already found him and she gave me his last name. We had a wonderful time; he’d phone me every day and then one day he went outside and literally just dropped dead of a massive heart attack. I was devastated because my adopted dad had died only nine months before; how weird was that? Who loses two dads in nine months? An adoptee does because we have to lose four parents. We have to do that four times, you only have to do it twice. I think that thing of a lifelong impact; now I have these siblings that I’ve met in my fifties that I’m now building relationships with and they’re strangers. I wrote a song called ‘Perfect Stranger,’ so yes it comes out in all the music because; how does one make sense of it? It’s almost too much to make sense of; I don’t think people realize how complex it is.” Now firmly with both feet back in the music realm and a Watch a video for “Red Boots” by Zara Phillips NJ STAGE - ISSUE 72 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 125