New Jersey Stage Issue 72 | Page 11

At over 150 minutes, Da 5 Bloods follows the pattern of auteur-driven Netflix originals that could use some editorial pruning. That said, I’m not sure what you would cut out here. Its issues aren’t so much pacing as the arm-wrestling match that seems to be constantly playing out between what feels like Bilson and De Meo’s generic Kelly’s Heroesesque battlefield heist movie and Lee and Willmott’s barber shop with landmines hang out movie. The two strands never quite gel organically, and you might wish a third party had been enlisted to smooth out the narrative more naturally. But there’s enough here to fill out a bloated-bellied Sunday afternoon on the couch with your old man, and veterans of combat may find themselves raising a glass in memory of their own Normans. • Da 5 Bloods 3 ½ Stars out of 5 Directed by: Spike Lee Starring: Delroy Lindo, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, Isiah Whitlock, Jr., Chadwick Boseman, Jonathan Majors, Mélanie Thierry, Jean Reno, Paul Walter Hauser, Jasper Pääkkönen NJ STAGE - ISSUE 72 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 11