New Jersey Stage Issue 71 | Page 14

I thought one of the funniest lines in the film was “next time you write lyrics stop watching the Disney Channel.” You know it’s funny, I cut that out and Alex was like, “Put that back in” and people seem to like it! The film includes several nightmare scenarios for musicians, including kicking off a show by playing the wrong song. Were these actual things your musician friends went through or were they mostly imagined? Most were imagined, but Alex was our authenticity police. The entire time spent in pre-production he was very adamant that this be as true to the lifestyle as possible. So when he showed it to fellow musicians they would believe it. They were his most important audience. Whenever there was anything in the script that went out of the bounds of what he thought was possible in that rock and roll world, we got rid of it. Most of our scenarios were imagined, but they were informed by experiences I NJ STAGE - ISSUE 71 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 14