New Jersey Stage Issue 70 | Page 58

reaction to the virus? Wherever there is life, there are viruses. Where ever there are songs, there is life. It has been an unwritten mutually agreed-upon Once the virus does subside, brutality since the beginning. Am- what would Daughter Vision arna has written a chorus to one of most like to accomplish, by our new songs based on this cur- when and why? rent virus. We will practice, rehearse, have When and how will you release our Equinox show, though it might your next material, what will it be a Solstice show, and fine-tune be, and how would you describe our new industrial make out jams it? so we can perform and record It’s too soon to say when, and we them because it is thy will. will have a better idea when this Have you written any songs in thing is over.  panding their audiences. Every- one else who was playing venues on the regular, will most likely be psyched to go back. w Bob Makin is the reporter for and a former managing editor of The Aquarian Weekly, which launched this column in 1988. Contact him via email and like Makin Waves on Facebook. NJ STAGE - ISSUE 70 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 58