New Jersey Stage Issue 70 | Page 68

Andy Koeger, Seth Kramer, Bar- ton Landsman, Eugene Lehnert, Theresa Loong, Anne Macksoud, Geoff Marslett, Wrik Mead, Dolissa Medina, Paulo Menezes, Agnes Meng, Daniel Mooney, Catherine Murphy, Peter Murphey, Jorge Lopez Navarette, Neil Needle- man, Ramey Newell, William No- land, Ross Nugent, Alexia Oldini, Lizzie Olesker, Nathan Pancione, Daina Papadaki, Helen Parkes, S. Smith Patrick, Debora Peretz, Leah Bedrosian Peterson, Chelsea Pitti- Fernandez, Catya Plate, Keir Politz, Thomas Renoldner, Marta Renzi, John Rice, Peter Rose, Adolfo Ruiz, Lynne Sachs, Catalina Santamaria, Jesel Shah, Tiffany Shlain, Andre Silva, Shelly Silver, Peter Sluzska, Guilliermo Srodek-Hart, Stephanie Swart, Steven Swirko, Ann Tallman, Lynn Tomlinson, Ioanna Tsinividi, Paul Turano, George Ungar, Walter Ungerer, Livia Ungur, Christopher Upham, Luis Valdovino, Steven Vander Meer, Soetkin Verstegen, Julie Winokur, Eduardo Vieitez, Fe- licitas Yang, Douglas Blake Young, and Paul Zinder. To learn more about the Thomas Edison Black Maria Film Festival and Thomas A. Edison Media Arts Consortium, or to make a tax-de- ductable donation visit blackmari-  IMAGES: A still from “New York City Sketchbook” – Jury’s Stellar Award for Animation 2018 - by filmmaker Willy Hartland, Brooklyn, NY, one of the films to be screened virtu- ally throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo credit: Courtesy of Willy Hartland. A still from “The Making of a Mensch” – Global Insights Award for Documentary 2016 - by filmmaker Tiffany Shlain, Mill Valley, CA, one of the films to be screened virtually throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo credit: Courtesy of Tiffany Shlain NJ STAGE - ISSUE 70 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 68