New Jersey Stage Issue 69 | Page 33

trash masterpiece Deadly Prey, the recent Ready or Not, and to some extent The Hunger Games and its Japanese antecedent Battle Royale. What unites all of these films is the central theme of wealthy elites hunting less well off prey (though for a time in the ‘70s, in- spired by the success of Deliver- ance, we got a class reversal of this scenario, with poor rednecks hunting middle class city slick- ers). Blumhouse’s Purge franchise has taken this dynamic to a politi- cized extreme, making the wealthy hunters a group of WASPish elites whose goal is to erase the poor and minorities. In the Purge mov- ies, the villains are very much of a conservative “Make America Great Again” bent, but the truth is that rich people are as likely to be liberals as conservatives, and in recent years much of the most fervent classist rhetoric has come from wealthy liberals who view the poor as an inconvenience. Some liberal commentators have touted the idea that those who don’t pos- Watch the trailer for The Hunt NJ STAGE - ISSUE 69 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 33