New Jersey Stage Issue 65 | Page 38

Baron Praxis “Precursor” Like the late 1960s into the early ’70s, the early ’90s were one of the most artistic time periods for rock music with Nir- vana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Alice in Chains, Tool, Jane’s Addiction and oth- ers. Were it 1993, Baron Praxis might represent New Jersey within that circle of modern- rock royalty with their edgy hysterics, progressive pum- meling and Sabbathy sludge. Since it’s crappy 2019 -- and what’s left of the music indus- try wouldn’t know good music if it bit it on its collective ass -- the Toms River-based band must bang it out in the local scene. And a mighty bang it is based on the strength of this 13-song collection. Watch a video for “Nice To Meat You” by Baron Praxis NJ STAGE - ISSUE 65 INDEX NEXT ARTICLE 38